

You would think that over the six years I’ve been blogging that I would have come up with interesting “About Me” page.

Well, I haven’t.

Short and to the point: I’m American from Massachusetts. Husband is Kuwaiti. We met in college. I have a son (2001) and a daughter (2004). I’m I Stay-At-Home-Mom which is the toughest yet most rewarding job on earth. I’ve been living in Kuwait since 1997. We live south of Kuwait City. I have no free time yet somehow I manage to come here on a fairly regular basis and blab about whatever I feel like blabbing about at the time. There are no first drafts. I type in the Write Page and whatever I come up with at the time gets published.

You can contact me at:

simplystinni AT hotmail DOT com

(I’m notoriously bad with replying to e-mail so it’s better to leave a comment on the blog if possible.)


  1. Hi Stinni,
    love to read your blog. I’m newbie in Kuwait :), and your blog has fulfill my curiousity about cooking and baking life in Kuwait. I’m a mother of 2 girls, love cooking and baking. But unfortunately, I haven’t found the bake shop yet (I don’t know what to call here, but bake shop is the shop that provide all things that you need for baking and cooking). I lived in Salmiya, have been here since 2 weeks ago :D. I have a foodblog too but sorry the language is in bahasa >> http://last-bite.blogspot.com.
    Can you tell me where did you usually shop? for baking and cooking of course.

  2. Dita – Thank you for the compliment and welcome to Kuwait. I tried clicking on your blog link but it’s not working. (?)

    I buy most of my kitchen stuff from Arabic Souks, that’s the best way I know how to describe them. I live about 20 minutes south from you and so I buy my non-electric kitchenware from Al Wafi in Fahaheel. I usually find everything I need there. (Ricer, pasta machine, pots, pans, strainers, cookie scoops, etc.) You can also check out Centrepoint (there’s one in Salminya I think but not sure if they have a houseware section) – they have non-electric things for the kitchen. (Woks, frying pans, olive oil/vinegar bottles etc.)Ikea in the Avenues Mall also has some great kitchen stuff. They have very thin plastic chopping boards which can be washed in the dishwasher and they’re bendable which makes them very convenient.

    For electronic gadgets such as mixers, blenders, food processors and the like, I shop at The Sultan Center (there’s a branch in Salmiya), Al Ghanim, Eureka (there’s one in Salmiya), and Centro (in Al Manshar Mall).

    Good luck finding everything you need.

  3. Dita – I just clicked on your site again and it worked. What yummy stuff you have there! I only wish it was in English. πŸ™‚

  4. Hi thanks a bunch for the quick response! πŸ™‚

    Sorry bout my blog, I plan to write my blog in English so we could keep sharing recipes or something else about cooking and baking.

  5. Hey fellow american here! I just came across your website when i was checking out info for carrefour. Awesome! I’ve been here with my kuwaiti husband for 5 yrs now and have just now been coming across other american wives of kuwaitis. It would be great to keep in touch!

  6. HI Stinni,
    You and I spoke a few years back (around the time you lost your Mother-in -Law,and when your baby girl was born.)
    Anyway,around that time you were supposed to send me a card,that I think a friend OR Family member made,BUT unfortunatly NEVER got it… : }
    SO,I was wondering HOW in the heck have You been? πŸ™‚ Its Been a VERY Long time! I KNOW you have NO CLUE who I am,But I ALWAYS Think about you. πŸ™‚ Get back to me if you can,TTYL~ Darlene

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